Saturday, June 20, 2020

If I sleep….what will happen?

I lay down on my couch:
An air of silence hath begun flowing,
Lullaby for an infant sails along,
Thundering engines break the passage,
People walk on their chosen paths,
Sicknesses invade the life of mankind,
Wealth is amassed by greedy hands,
Broken bowls are carried by deprived hands,
Reel shows fascinate real eyes,
Music and noise hit the depressed hearts,
Schools are open for teaching and learning,
New discoveries and inventions brought to the world,
Arms and ammunitions eat people’s pie,
The rich grow richer; the poor detained poor,
Fanaticism raises its cry; patriotism mumbles its logic,
Tsunamis threatens the lands with their perilous splendor,
Earthquakes wake up the sleeping plates of the soil,
Volcanoes explodes their hidden talents,
Cake walks and moon walks float on red carpet society,
Meditation and transcendental exercises spread their vogue,
There are showers, storms and tempests,
Preaching and missions proceed with their messages,
Sellers and buyers can never change their life-style,
Yea, many an episode will enact on the stage of life.
I wake up from my sleep,
And see no change in mankind’s life,
Histories are repeated in new dimensions.
I will go to eternal sleep one day,
And same histories shall be repeated.

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